New! Express anytime, anywhere with the Difrax Hands-free Breast Pump
Many women struggle with expressing milk on the go or at work. Not because it doesn’t work, but because it is very difficult to find a suitable room to express in. From a dirty box room to a noisy kitchen, and from a crowded train to a toilet: there are plenty of horror stories about these kinds of experiences. But this can now be a thing of the past thanks to the Difrax breast pump. It is compact, quiet and comfortable.

Discreet, handy and wireless
The hands-free breast pump allows mothers to express milk effortlessly at home, on the go and at work. The pump is light, handy and cordless. You can slide it into your bra without your breast being visible. Nice, discreet and comfortable too. Are you afraid people can hear it? Don’t worry because the silent operation of the hands-free breast pump means it emits no more than 50 decibels of noise, even on the loudest setting.
This means it is barely noticeable when you are expressing, making it possible to express anytime, anywhere. Even in the office and busy public places. Another plus: the hands remain free so the mother can just continue with what she was doing. As long as she stays upright or in a sitting position.

Expressing via the natural sucking rhythm
The hands-free breast pump is also ideal for mothers who have difficulty getting breastfeeding started. The stimulation mode offers optimal support to mothers. Expressing milk is an intense activity, but thanks to the 8 settings, the suction power can be adjusted exactly to the mother’s preference. In addition to the stimulation mode, there are 2 more modes: pumping mode and intensive mode, each of which also has 8 suction settings. All modes are based on the 2 phases of a baby’s natural sucking rhythm. The hands-free breast pump automatically switches from one mode to the other during each session. And the pump remembers the last used settings, which always comes in handy.

Great fit and handy reservoir
Not only do the 3 modes and 8 suction settings make every session comfortable and enjoyable, so does the fit. Every breast is unique. To ensure the breast pump fits every mother’s breast as well as possible, 3 insert sizes have been included with the silicone inner shell to ensure it always fits well on the breast for hassle-free expressing. The silicone is tasteless, odourless and allergy-free, which makes it pleasant and safe to use. The breast milk is sent to a handy reservoir with space for up to 120 ml of milk. The special opening makes it easy to pour the milk into a bottle for the refrigerator or a bag for the freezer. The container can be opened completely to thoroughly clean milk residues.
4 pumping sessions on one battery
The breast pump has a display that shows the mode, setting and battery charge level. A full battery lasts approximately 4 pumping sessions. Conveniently, the breast pump is charged via a USB-C cable or power bank. The Difrax hands-free breast pump is a mother’s support and confidant during the breastfeeding period.