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Educational parenting books

Baby met handjes in de lucht

As a parent, you’re often faced with all kinds of questions. With our educational parenting books, we offer you a little help.

Playful learning

In our educational parenting books, every subject is discussed in a step-by-step and engaging manner. Stories, games, calendars and reward stickers are used to explain things while having fun. The parenting books, like all Difrax products, were created in collaboration with medical specialists, who also share their knowledge in the books. The books can be ordered in our online store in softcover or hardcover. You can also download them as a PDF for free. 

To all books

Weaning your child from its pacifier with the “Giving up your pacifier” book

Weaning your child from its pacifier is a big step in your child’s development. Is my child ready? What is the best way to do it? We like to offer you a little help with these questions. That’s why we have collaborated with dentists to develop the “Giving up your pacifier” book. This book follows a 15-day step-by-step program that helps your child to give up their pacifier in a fun and playful manner. On the last day of the program, it’s time to send their pacifier to Soo Soo, the pacifier fairy. If you do, your child receives a special cuddly toy and a certificate. 

To the"Giving up your pacifier"book

Karin, mother of Sanne: “Sanne no longer asks for her pacifier, but the book about Soo Soo the pacifier fairy is still one of her favorites!”

Educatieve opvoedboeken

Enjoying food with the “Eat well dinner” book

Some children don’t eat when they’re tired, while others don’t want to eat when there are green vegetables on their plate, and there are countless other possible reasons… So, how do you get your child to eat? Mimi the food fairy to the rescue! The “Eat well dinner” book works magic on children who don’t want to eat (and it helps their parents, too). 

Maria, mother of Luca: “Eating will never be his favorite pastime, but Mimi the food fairy has taught him how to taste.” 

To the"Eat well dinner"book

Baby met educatieve opvoedboek

Good nights with the “Yawn and sleep” book

If your child doesn’t sleep well, it causes you a lot of sleepless nights, too. The sooner the sleeping problems are solved, the better. Suzie the sleeping fairy knows how to deal with sleeping problems. With the “Yawn and sleep” book, sleeping problems will disappear (almost) overnight. Good night!

Renske, mother of Esmée: “Esmée hated going to bed but wasn’t able to tell us why. She could, however, open up to Suzie the sleeping fairy... With the ‘Yawn and sleep’ book, we were able to fix her sleeping problem together, step by step”.

Baby met educatieve opvoedboek (2)

To the"yawn and sleep"book

Brushing your teeth with the “Clean teeth” book

As soon as the first teeth come through, it’s time to start brushing your child’s teeth. The state of your baby’s milk teeth affects their later teeth, so it is important to take good care of them. The first teeth can be difficult to brush, but it pays off. If your child gets used to tooth brushing as a baby, it will be easier once they grow up. In the “Clean teeth” book, experts explain how to take good care of your baby’s teeth. Tootsie the tooth fairy will inspire your child to do the same. 

Lezende baby met educatieve opvoedboek

Hanneke, mother of Emma: “Tooth brushing was always a struggle, but thanks to Tootsie the toothbrushing fairy, Emma is now keen to wield her toothbrush and tackle those sugar monsters.”

To the"clean teeth"book  
Baby handjes