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Natural flessenspeen van Difrax

Which Difrax teat should I choose for my baby?

Choosing the right bottle teat is at least as important as choosing the right anti-colic baby bottle. But which Difrax bottle teat suits your child best? The right choice depends on a number of factors:

✔ Your child’s preference
✔ Your child’s suction power
✔ Your child's age
✔ The type of food

We’re here to offer you A little help in choosing the right bottle teat.

Different types of Difrax bottle teats

The right choice for a Difrax bottle teat depends on your child’s preference. Difrax has three types of bottle teats:

Natural flessen speen

Natural bottle teat

These small, nipple-shaped bottle teats are most similar to the mother’s breast and therefore have the best acceptance rate among babies. The soft coating provides extra grip, which allows your child to easily hold the teat in its mouth. The Natural bottle teats fit Natural S-bottles.

Check out the Natural collection
Dental Flessenspeen

Dental bottle teat

The Dental bottle teat is suitable for children with reflux, children who choke quickly, children who drink too fast or premature babies. The Dental bottle teat has a flat side that evenly spreads the milk in the mouth. This prevents choking and makes sure that your child swallows the right amount of milk. The Dental bottle teats fit Natural S-bottles.

Check out the Dental collection
Wide flessenspeen

Wide bottle teat

These Wide bottle teats are most suitable for children who like to open their mouth a bit wider, also known as a preference for wide latching. The soft coating provides extra grip, which allows your child to easily hold the teat in its mouth. The Wide bottle teat fits the Difrax Anti-Colic Wide S-bottles (200 ml and 310 ml).

Check out the Wide collection
Baby die wordt vastgehouden

If you don’t know your baby's preference yet, it’s best to start with the Natural bottle teat. This type is generally best accepted.

Difrax bottle teat: available in different sizes

Difrax bottle teats come in different sizes. The size is related to the size of the opening of the teat.

The correct size depends on your baby’s suction power and the type of food you use.

Thicker food and greater suction power require a larger teat size.

Your baby should be able to finish a bottle of food in about 15-20 minutes. If this is the case, you’re probably using the correct size.

Advantages of Difrax bottle teats

  • A suitable bottle teat for every preference, suction power, age and food type.
  • Special coating for extra grip.
  • A suitable bottle teat for every anti-colic S-bottle.
  • Can be used from birth onward.
  • BPA-free, odorless and tasteless.
  • No risk of latex allergies. 
Baby met s fles

All Difrax bottle teats are made of a high-quality, odorless and tasteless silicone material. The smooth finish allows the teat to glide quickly out of your baby’s mouth. The Natural and Wide bottle teats have a special soft coating that ensures a good grip. The Dental teat has a flat side, which makes it easier for the teat to stay in your baby’s mouth. This way, your baby can keep on drinking comfortably.

Tip! Replace the Difrax bottle teat every six weeks. Check for damage daily.

Want to know the best way to clean the bottle teat and other baby products? Go to 'Cleaning pacifiers, bottle teats and baby bottles.'