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Difrax op de Negenmaandenbeurs 2025

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Difrax op de Negenmaandenbeurs 2025

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Gids voor het kopen van de eerste fopspeen
Advice / Sizing Guide

Guide to buying the first pacifier

Ontdek alles over de Difrax Borstkolf en hoe je deze optimaal gebruikt

Discover everything about the Difrax Breast Pump and how to use it optimally

Breastfeeding is a wonderful process. It does sometimes bring challenges though. The challenge of combining breastfeeding with work, travel or a busy life. Or perhaps breastfeeding is not yet going...

Hands-Free Borstkolf: Optimale vrijheid en ondersteuning voor de borstgevende mama

Hands-free Breast Pump: Optimal freedom and support for the breastfeeding mother

In the busy life of being a parent, there are countless tools that can make mothers’ lives just a little bit easier. One of the most valuable products for optimal support during breastfeeding is a ...

Mammafeel fles getest door ouders

Mammafeel bottle tested by parents

Which bottle is best for my baby? This is a common question among parents who are expecting a baby soon. There are many different bottles available, and it is understandable that the choice can be ...

De speen: een vloek of een zegen

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Pinky fopspeen: Helpt de zuigreflex bij je baby te verbeteren

Pinky pacifier: Helps to improve your baby’s sucking reflex

Most babies have a natural sucking reflex that works well from birth. This means a strong sucking reaction occurs as soon as your baby feels something in his/her mouth. Having a good sucking reflex...

Borstvoeding combineren met flesvoeding, wat moet ik doen?

Combining breastfeeding with bottle feeding, How can I do that?

Combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding can raise many questions for a parent such as: “Which bottle is best for my baby?”, “Will my baby accept a bottle in addition to breastfeeding?” and “Will...

Dynamische fopspeen getest door ouders

Dynamic pacifier tested by parents

There are many reasons parents choose a pacifier: it offers comfort to your child, helps him/her sleep, meets the natural need to suck, and provides a feeling of security. This is why it’s really i...

Elektrische neusjesreiniger: eerste hulp bij een verstopte neus!
Baby ailments

Electric nose cleaner: first aid for a stuffy nose!

Nothing is more annoying than a stuffy nose. Especially for a little one. You can see your child having difficulty breathing and sleeping, while a blocked nose can also make drinking difficult. You...