Never lose your pacifier again?
A pacifier is often indispensable for your child and therefore also for you as a parent. So it's extra annoying if it gets lost.
Babies and young children often have little control over their movements. Becuase of this, one movement can cause the pacifier to fall out of the mouth. Chances are that the pacifier then falls to the floor and gets dirty. A pacifier cord or pacifier cloth can be used ensure that the pacifier is less likely to be lost and fall on the floor. In addition, they are fun accessory!
Pacifier cord
You can attach the pacifier to your child's clothes with a pacifier cord. Attach the end to the pacifier with the loop. For the Difrax newborn and 0-6 months pacifiers the loop goes through the slot in the button, for the other ages the loop can go through the ring. The end with the clip can be attached to the clothing. This way you will never lose the pacifier again it doesn't fall to the ground.
The cord should not be used in the crib or cot as there may be a choking hazard. The cord is also not suitable as a toy or teething toy.
In the webshop you will find various pacifier cords with cheerful prints and a beaded pacifier cord in different colors.

Pacifier holder
The pacifier holder is indispensable both at home and on the go. Do you plan to go for a walk but don’t want to have to search for your pacifier in your bag every time your child needs it? The pacifier holder ensures your pacifier can be found in your bag easily. The flexible loop lets you easily hang the holder on your (nappy) bag, car seat or baby sling.
This means you will always have clean pacifiers at hand. Furthermore, the pacifier holder is made of silicone material and feels extra soft. Even better, the holder can accommodate two pacifiers or other small objects.
Pacifier cloth
A pacifier cloth is also a good option to lose the pacifier less quickly. A pacifier cloth can also be attached to the button or ring of the pacifier. By attaching something to the pacifier, the pacifier is less likely to be lost. And if the pacifier is lost, then it is easier to find.
Due to its soft structure, a pacifier cloth can also be used as a baby comforter, with or without pacifier. Some pacifier cloths have a separate compartment where the pacifier can be stored.
Make sure that the pacifier cloth is not too heavy, so that the pacifier stays in the mouth better. The Difrax pacifier cloth is a good example of this.