All collections

0+ months baby bottles

0+ months bottle teats

12 -18 months pacifiers

18+ months pacifiers

18+ months pacifiers

3+ month baby bottles

3+ months bottle teats

3-stage botlle teats

6 - 12 months pacifiers

6+ month baby bottles

6+ months bottle teats

9+ month baby bottles

9+ months bottle teats

All Difrax products

alle producten (excl elektrisch)

Baby bottle parts

Baby bottles

Baby care

Baby Week Deals



Bottle teats

Breastfeeding accessories




Cotton Candy

Cups and cutlery


Dental bottle teats

Dental pacifiers

Difrax LOVI

Difrax LOVI accessoires

Difrax LOVI Botanic collection

Difrax LOVI Dynamic pacifiers

Difrax LOVI Harmony collection

Difrax voor professionals

Drinking cups

Dynamic Pacifiers Night & Day

Everything for your baby 6-9 months: other products

Everything for your baby 9+ months: other products

Everything for your baby Newborn-6 months: other products

Pacifier accessories


Parenting books

Stacking discount on all Difrax cups

Teething rings

Teething rings and cuddly toys