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Difrax LOVI

Difrax LOVI

The love you feel the moment your little one enters the world is indescribable. We understand your desire to provide your baby with comfort and protection. Difrax LOVI products are 100% safe and support your baby’s natural development.

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20 products


Mammafeel bottle 250 mlMammafeel bottle 250 ml
Mammafeel bottle 250 ml Sale price €14,99
Bestseller Mammafeel bottle 150 mlMammafeel bottle 150 ml
Mammafeel bottle 150 ml Sale price €13,99
New Dynamic pacifier 0-6 months PrimeDynamic pacifier 0-6 months Prime
Bestseller Mammafeel dynamic bottle teatMammafeel dynamic bottle teat
Mammafeel dynamic bottle teat Sale price €11,99
Difrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 0-3 months HarmonyDifrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 0-3 months Harmony
New Dynamic pacifier 6-18 months PrimeDynamic pacifier 6-18 months Prime
Difrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 6-18 months HarmonyDifrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 6-18 months Harmony
Difrax LOVI - Pacifier Dynamic Newborn Baby ShowerDifrax LOVI - Pacifier Dynamic Newborn Baby Shower
Difrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 0-3 months BotanicDifrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 0-3 months Botanic
Difrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 3-6 months HarmonyDifrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 3-6 months Harmony
New Dynamic pacifier 18+ months PrimeDynamic pacifier 18+ months Prime
Difrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 6-18 months BotanicDifrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 6-18 months Botanic
Pacifier Dynamic 0-6 months Night & DayPacifier Dynamic 0-6 months Night & Day
Difrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 18+ months BotanicDifrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 18+ months Botanic
Difrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 3-6 months BotanicDifrax LOVI - Dynamic pacifier 3-6 months Botanic
Pacifier Dynamic 6-18 months Night & DayPacifier Dynamic 6-18 months Night & Day

About Difrax LOVI

Breastfeeding brings mother and baby closer together, strengthening their emotional bond. These intimate feeding moments provide babies with comfort, security, and a sense of being loved. The mission of our Difrax LOVI product line is to enhance and protect these vital experiences.

With our unique products, such as the Mammafeel bottle and the Dynamic pacifier, we support mothers in their breastfeeding journey. We protect the baby's natural feeding behavior and facilitate the transition between breast and bottle feeding, and allows combine feeding.

Mammafeel bottle

So close to mum’s breast

We believe that bottle feeding is more than just a way to quickly feed a baby; it’s a moment of calm and intimate connection. Parents who bottle-feed want to provide their baby with similar tenderness and comfort as breastfeeding. That’s why Difrax LOVI has developed a special bottle designed to mimic the form, texture, and dynamics of a mother’s breast. The Mammafeel bottle ensures a smoother transition between breast and bottle feeding, and allows combined feeding.The dynamic, soft teat stretches and contracts in harmony with the baby's sucking rhythm.

Dynamic pacifiers

Protects your baby's natural sucking reflex

Our stylish pacifiers feature a symmetrical shape inspired by the mother’s nipple, ensuring high acceptance. The sucking section of the Dynamic pacifier is constructed differently from the Natural or Dental pacifier: it consists of multiple silicone layers of varying thickness. Thanks to its unique, flexible design, the pacifier supports your baby’s natural sucking rhythm.

Frequently asked questions about Difrax LOVI