A wide baby bottle, is that ideal?
Are you looking for the ideal baby bottle or would you like to switch to another type? If so, you'll find different sizes online and in the shops: thechoice is vast! In this blog we'll take a closer look at the function and benefits of one bottle in particular, the wide neck bottle. So when does your baby need a wide neck bottle?
When you start feeding from the bottle, you can choose between narrow and wide neck bottles. At Difrax the Natural S-bottle is a narrow neck bottle and the Wide S-bottle is a wide neck bottle. The base of the Wide bottle is wider than that of the Natural bottle. Your baby will have to open his or her mouth wider to take the teat in properly. As with breastfeeding, we call this "latchingon". It is often thought that a breastfed baby benefits more from drinking from a Wide teat. In practice, however, this does not seem to be the case. Drinking from a breast requires a completely different drinking technique to drinking from a bottle. Therefore, for the combination with breastfeeding, it makes no difference whether you feed your baby from a wide or a narrow babybottle.
There are babies who prefer a large area to latch on to, because they like having a bit more teat in their mouth. A Wide bottle is then highly recommended. The Difrax Wide S-bottle is available in 200 ml and 310 ml. The capacity you choose depends on your child's age and your own preference for a large or smaller bottle.
Is the Wide bottle suitable for my baby?
When using a narrow neck bottle, your baby will have a narrower teat in their mouth. If you notice that your baby is always searching with a narrow teat (opening his mouth wide and moving his head back and forth),a Wide bottle may be the solution. Of course, you can also start directly with a Wide bottle such as the 200 ml bottle. This is a handy size for the first period of bottle feeding. If your baby takes to the bottle easily and doesn't spill while drinking, the Wide bottle is ideal.
Need help choosing the right S-bottle? Then read our blog on the different Difrax S-bottles.
The advantage of the Wide S-bottle is that it is available in a larger capacity than the Natural narrow neck bottle. This can be particularly useful for older babies who drink more. The wide neck also makes filling a Wide S-bottle very easy. Milk powder, but also frozen breastmilk cubes, for instance, can be put in the bottle without spilling.
Which teat fits on a Wide bottle?
The wide bottle can use standard bottle teats in sizes S (Small), M (Medium) and L (Large). Choose the right size depending on your baby's age and how fast he or she drinks. As well as the standard bottle teats, Difrax has two special bottle teats for the Wide S-bottle. The 123 Variflow Ring is ideal for alternating between thin and thicker feedings. And the XL Porridge Teat. This teat is specially designed for feeding thick, coarse grains of porridge from a bottle. The Wide S-bottle is also available as a ready-made Porridge bottle. This bottle comes with handles and an XL teat.
All properties of the Difrax Wide S-bottle:
· Suitablefor children who prefer to latch on wider
· Unscrewable base with anti-colic valve
· Easy to fill with milk powder or frozen breast milk (or lemonade)
· Large capacity of 310 ml available
· Can be used as a porridge bottle
· 123 Dose teat and XL Porridge teat fit on the bottle
· Also available in a glass version