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Gids voor het kopen van de eerste fopspeen

Guide to buying the first pacifier

Gids voor het kopen van de eerste fopspeen
Advice / Sizing Guide

Guide to buying the first pacifier

Baby met bruine Difrax fopspeen
Advice / Sizing Guide

Which pacifier does my baby need?

Many children have a strong sucking need from birth. As your child grows, the sucking power gets stronger and stronger. Difrax has five different sizes of pacifiers that match both the size a...

Verschil tussen de Dynamische en Natural fopspeen
Advice / Sizing Guide

The difference between the Difrax Dynamic and Natural pacifier

What is the difference between the Difrax Dynamic and Natural pacifier? At Difrax, you will find various safe pacifiers for your baby. A pacifier offers comfort, peace and fulfils your baby’s stron...

Een brede babyfles, is dat ideaal? - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

A wide baby bottle, is that ideal?

Are you looking for the ideal baby bottle or would you like to switch to another type? If so, you'll find different sizes online and in the shops: thechoice is vast! In this blog we'll take a ...

Difrax’s extra kleine (premature) flessenspeen - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

Difrax’s extra small (premature) teats

Babies have a natural sucking reflex as soon as they are born, with very strong suction. This is inborn to maximise the chances of survival. Being able to drink is life and death. A baby's suction ...

Difrax fopspenen: orthodontisch (Dental) of symmetrisch ovaal (Natural)? - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

Difrax pacifier: orthodontic (Dental) or symmetric and oval (Natural)?

After a worrying article about using round, cherry-shaped pacifier, we at Difrax want to spell out the facts and answer the most frequent questions for you. Because what is an orthodontic pacifier?...

Wanneer gebruik je een bijtring voor je baby? - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

When to use a teething ring for your baby

When their teeth are coming through, babies have a great need to bite and chew. To meet this need to bite and chew, there are several different teething toys to choose from. There are teething ring...

Help! Welke maat flessenspeen moet ik gebruiken? - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

Help! What size bottle teat should I use?

What size bottle teat should I use? This is one of the most frequently asked questions at our customer service desk. And that is not surprising. Finding the right bottle teat size can be quite a jo...

Zijn fopspenen goed voor je baby? - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

Are pacifiers good for your baby?

If you are a mother or expectant mother, you want your little one to grow and have it nice, both physically and mentally. With regard to pacifiers, there are many opinions and speculations. It is n...

Glazen fles of plastic fles? - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

Glass bottle or plastic bottle?

The glass bottle is back and is becoming more and more popular. As a child, you probably still drank from a glass baby bottle a few years ago, this was normal. Since then, there are bottles of...