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Ontdek alles over de Difrax Borstkolf en hoe je deze optimaal gebruikt

Discover everything about the Difrax Breast Pump and how to use it optimally

Ontdek alles over de Difrax Borstkolf en hoe je deze optimaal gebruikt

Discover everything about the Difrax Breast Pump and how to use it optimally

Breastfeeding is a wonderful process. It does sometimes bring challenges though. The challenge of combining breastfeeding with work, travel or a busy life. Or perhaps breastfeeding is not yet going...

Hands-Free Borstkolf: Optimale vrijheid en ondersteuning voor de borstgevende mama

Hands-free Breast Pump: Optimal freedom and support for the breastfeeding mother

In the busy life of being a parent, there are countless tools that can make mothers’ lives just a little bit easier. One of the most valuable products for optimal support during breastfeeding is a ...

Borstvoeding combineren met flesvoeding, wat moet ik doen?

Combining breastfeeding with bottle feeding, How can I do that?

Combining breastfeeding and bottle feeding can raise many questions for a parent such as: “Which bottle is best for my baby?”, “Will my baby accept a bottle in addition to breastfeeding?” and “Will...

Speen en borstvoeding: 10 veelgestelde vragen beantwoord

Pacifiers and Breastfeeding: 10 Frequently Asked Questions Answered

In this blog, we delve deeper into a topic that concerns many new parents: the combination of pacifiers and breastfeeding. We've gathered and answered 10 frequently asked questions for you. From de...

How About Mom: "Borstvoeding geven: bijzonder en uitdagend" - Difrax

How About Mom: "Borstvoeding geven: bijzonder en uitdagend"

We kunnen zoveel redenen noemen waarom borstvoeding een van de meest magische onderdelen van het moederschap is. We kunnen ook veel redenen noemen waarom het een van de grootste uitdagingen is. Je ...

Feiten & fabels: wat je het beste kunt eten tijdens borstvoeding - Difrax

Myths and facts: what you should and shouldn’t eat when you’re breastfeeding

There are a lot of myths and facts about what you should and shouldn’t eat when you’re breastfeeding. In this blog post, we list some of the most common myths and facts surrounding eating when brea...

Tips voor een zorgeloze borstvoedingsperiode - Difrax

Tips for a worry-free breastfeeding period

Breastfeeding provides the best start for every baby. Unfortunately, many mothers feel they have to stop breastfeeding when they return to work after maternity leave because breastfeeding and pumpi...