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Elektrische neusjesreiniger: eerste hulp bij een verstopte neus!

Electric nose cleaner: first aid for a stuffy nose!

Elektrische neusjesreiniger: eerste hulp bij een verstopte neus!
Baby ailments

Electric nose cleaner: first aid for a stuffy nose!

Nothing is more annoying than a stuffy nose. Especially for a little one. You can see your child having difficulty breathing and sleeping, while a blocked nose can also make drinking difficult. You...

Tips voor als je baby verkouden is - Difrax
Baby ailments

Tips for when your baby has a cold

When your baby has a cold, you’ll do anything to relieve their discomfort. This blog post is about how to know if your baby has a cold. We’ll also share some tips on how to relieve the discomfort o...

Tips om je baby te laten boeren - Difrax
Baby ailments

Tips for burping your baby

For us, burping is completely normal. However, the cliché image of trying to get a baby to burp is known to everyone. When breastfed or bottle-fed in the right way, the chances are low that your ba...

Tips voor het verminderen van pijn bij doorkomende tandjes. - Difrax
Baby ailments

Tips for reducing the pain of incoming teeth

Teething can be very painful for your child. When teething, many children suffer from a sore mouth, diaper rash and sometimes also a fever. Fortunately, the pain and discomfort will disappear as so...

Baby krampjes: oorzaken en tips - Difrax
Baby ailments

Baby cramps: causes and tips

Many babies suffer stomach cramps or colic in the first six months of their life. This can be very bothersome. In this blog post, we’ll explain how you can recognize if your baby has stomach cramps...

De beste anti-colic babyfles tegen darmkrampjes - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

The best anti-colic bottle to prevent stomach cramps

Anti-colic means anti-stomach cramps. A lot of babies suffer from stomach cramps or colic in the first six months of their life. There can be several causes of this. One of the common causes of bab...