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Speen en borstvoeding: 10 veelgestelde vragen beantwoord

Pacifiers and Breastfeeding: 10 Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Speen en borstvoeding: 10 veelgestelde vragen beantwoord

Pacifiers and Breastfeeding: 10 Frequently Asked Questions Answered

In this blog, we delve deeper into a topic that concerns many new parents: the combination of pacifiers and breastfeeding. We've gathered and answered 10 frequently asked questions for you. From de...

Difrax flessenwarmer: onmisbaar op elke baby uitzetlijst

Difrax bottle warmer: indispensable for every baby’s distribution list

Did you know that body temperature is the perfect temperature for baby food? Preparing food can be done in many different ways, but some are quicker and easier. Heating food in a microwave can crea...

Baby met bruine Difrax fopspeen
Advice / Sizing Guide

Which pacifier does my baby need?

Many children have a strong sucking need from birth. As your child grows, the sucking power gets stronger and stronger. Difrax has five different sizes of pacifiers that match both the size a...

Verschil tussen de Dynamische en Natural fopspeen
Advice / Sizing Guide

The difference between the Difrax Dynamic and Natural pacifier

What is the difference between the Difrax Dynamic and Natural pacifier? At Difrax, you will find various safe pacifiers for your baby. A pacifier offers comfort, peace and fulfils your baby’s stron...


Sterilising treats: Tips and tricks for hygienic cleaning

As a parent, you don’t want to leave anything to chance when it comes to your baby’s health. Sterilising teats and baby bottles is a crucial step in ensuring your baby can use these products safely...

De baby uitzetlijst: wat je nodig hebt voor borstvoeding, flesvoeding en babyverzorging - Difrax

The layette: what you need for breastfeeding, bottle feeding and baby care

A baby on the way? Congratulations!    You've probably been busy recently finding out which baby products you need to get. Putting together a layette can be quite challenging. In th...

Zelf leren drinken: zo kies je de juiste beker - Difrax

Teaching yourself to drink: this is how to choose the right cup

When do you start using a cup? Which cup is most suitable? What is the difference between cups? All questions that arise when your child is 6 months old, the moment your child starts drinking water...

Fopspenen: wat is de beste speen voor je baby?

Pacifiers: which is the best pacifier for your baby?

Pacifiers come in all shapes and sizes. You have pacifiers with a plastic shield and pacifiers that are made entirely of silicone. In the suction section, you also have the choice of silicone or ru...

Babyvoeding geven: dit moet je weten over een babyfles

Baby feeding: this is what you need to know about a baby bottle

Zelf drinken met de Difrax Handgreep babyfles

Independent drinking with the Difrax easy grip baby bottle

Babies are naturally born with a grasping reflex; everything that comes into the little hand is held firmly. When you give a bottle, you may already notice that your child is trying to hold it. Whe...