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Hoe kan ik de nageltjes van een baby knippen of vijlen? - Difrax

How do I cut or file my baby’s nails?

Hoe kan ik de nageltjes van een baby knippen of vijlen? - Difrax

How do I cut or file my baby’s nails?

The nails of babies and young children grow really fast. This can cause some discomfort, especially in their first weeks. Young babies do not yet have good hand-eye coordination. They make uncontro...

Hoe maak ik de fopspeen schoon? - Difrax

How to clean a pacifier?

On the floor, on the street, behind the playpen, under the table: your baby’s pacifier can often be found in any of these places. To keep their pacifier clean, it must be sterilized regularly. So, ...

Tips voor als je baby 's avonds niet wil slapen - Difrax

Tips for when your baby doesn’t want to sleep at night

A brand-new baby brings a lot of happiness. Unfortunately, broken nights are often also part of the deal. Still, there are ways to make sure that your baby falls asleep easier and faster at night. ...

Tips voor een zorgeloze borstvoedingsperiode - Difrax

Tips for a worry-free breastfeeding period

Breastfeeding provides the best start for every baby. Unfortunately, many mothers feel they have to stop breastfeeding when they return to work after maternity leave because breastfeeding and pumpi...

Baby krampjes: oorzaken en tips - Difrax
Baby ailments

Baby cramps: causes and tips

Many babies suffer stomach cramps or colic in the first six months of their life. This can be very bothersome. In this blog post, we’ll explain how you can recognize if your baby has stomach cramps...

Het voedingskussen op de juiste manier gebruiken - Difrax
Advice / Sizing Guide

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Coming soon!

Speenkoord of speendoekje tegen kwijtraken van de speen - Difrax

Never lose your pacifier again?

Discover more about how we converted these initiatives into conscious and sustainable choices for now and later.

Wat moet er allemaal in je luiertas als je met je baby op pad gaat? - Difrax

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Coming soon!

Je huilende baby troosten - Difrax

Coming soon!

Coming soon!